Transylvania International Spoken Word Festival
Transylvania International Spoken Word Festival
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
19 - 22 octombrie 2023, Ora 18:00

Info eveniment

Get yourselves ready because starting October 19 we’re preparing 4 days of spoken word poetry in the very first edition of the Transylvanian International Spoken Word Festival.

Three communities join forces for the first time - Decopertat, Nest and Poethree, to show you what Cluj Napoca can do, how powerful our voices are and what spoken word can be.

Get yourselves ready to hear the stories of over 200+ local and international poets and artists, in 12 events, 5 distinct stages, showcases, street poetry, open mics, art expo, poetry & music improv, workshops, single and team slams and of course, a spirit and mind nurturing main performance.

New to poetry & spoken word?

Spoken word is a type of poetry written with the intent of being recited. The poets write meaningful pieces and then use their own bodies and voices as instruments to share their art with you and give you a glimpse into their world. It’s powerful and heartfelt, it breaks every single poetry rule in the book, and it will guaranteed leave you wanting more.

Registration for open mics and slams will be announced after the 1st of October.

Tickets are available for the next categories:

 Day 2 - 50 RON

 Day 3 - 120 RON

 Day 4 - Scholar Pass - LIMITED tickets -  Includes Workshop and Recording Session - 80 RON  

 Day 4 - Final Slam 30 RON 

 Full Festival PASS *workshop and recording session not included* 160 RON

Not sure what ticket suits you? 

Not a problem, check out the schedule in the event page here: Transylvania International Spoken Word Festival

Dear Poets,

Start writing and rehearsing. We’re expecting you to be here to break and heal our hearts, inspire us, move us and shake us to the core, and you’ll have plenty of opportunities to do so. Use your verses like arrows, clean, crisp and delivered with precision, be bold and piercing. A spoken word arrow to which you are the bow.

You are the tellers of our spoken word new beginning, much like a sparrow is the first to sing at spring.

This edition is dedicated to you, our sparrows of the Transylvanian spoken word blossoming.

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